Homedecorsweet news- The Congress didn't take the approach of handing money to folks with the hope that they'd make energy-saving enhancements. The tax law, for instance, tells people who in …
A jurisprudential justification for a much less elementary principle is a core lawyering ability. Yet understanding the difference between a fundamental doctrinal principle of tax. Perhaps the curre…
Treasury and the Office of Chief Counsel might disagree on the interpretations. Though the Treasury Department and the Office of Chief Counsel to the interior Revenue Service are staffed with tax ex…
Pappas asks if I think “all small-government, anti-tax conservatives are motivated by self curiosity? Yet in a footnote, Pappas concedes, “Maule and Leonhardt are good enough to refrain from calling…
Tax cheats who use tax zapper software program don't need to be recognized. Provided that the judicial system would do one thing much less foolish than what was done in Detroit, where a self-emp…